This works relatively well for me although its accuracy is not at the level of that found in Windows mobile smart phones. It will help you find contacts, songs, and bookmarks all by voice but when you want to do anything with what you find, like play a song for example, the application has to quit to do so. So if you want to find another song, for example, you have to start the application back up. Im using this on my iPod touch 2G so Im not certain if the same thing happens when you try to place a call but it does happen with both music and bookmarks. It would be nice if there were iPod voice commands for pausing, playing, and moving to the next and previous track but there are not. There also are no voice commands for doing anything within the Safari browser after you open a bookmark from Vocalia. Perhaps this is due to another limitation by Apple? These limitations aside though Vocalia is reasonably useful for finding contacts, songs, and bookmarks quickly by voice then executing basic commands on them. Its sort of like a "voice operated Spotlight". Hopefully in the future more features will be added that offer greater voice-activated control over the iPod in particular. Until that happens I can only give this three stars.